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My development and progress - is it linear? 

We can be in a hurry to develop, grow and succeed. 

Have you noticed when you are at your developmental best?  

Could be - the challenges, the hard times, a conversation with a peer, our boss or a direct report, a Board member, a new role, a new organisation, an exciting opportunity, a leadership programme, a Ted talk, a great book, an article, a coaching session, difficult work relationships - that resonates with us about our development and strikes a cord?  That moves us to self awareness or action.

Sometimes we just want our circumstances to change and know that the change starts within, with ourselves.  Sometimes we want to make the most of a new opportunity.

So a moment  to think - what methods have given you the most fulfilling development in your professional and personal life. 

With that insight  ..... enjoy your thoughts and answer your own personal question.

Is my growth linear?