Entries in committment (2)


The easy path .... what's your committment to yourself? 

Sometimes circumstances affect our focus and actions towards what we really want now and in the future.

Sometimes too we are working on the short term rather than the long term - sometimes this might be intentional and just what is needed.

What do you feel, when you see the title "the easy path"?   Is your present route easy or pretty hard?

When was the last time you gave some of your energy to yourself and what's most important to you.  Are you committed to your own idea's and needs?



What's the topic?


Perspectives - how many can you have on the topic you want to explore or do something about?

Choices - what are the options, which is the best one for you right now?

Planning - what's the plan?

Commitment - are you willing to commit to your goal, your plan?

Actions - clear, step by step actions


All so that your topic -  idea/dream/goal becomes a reality.....


Got a sheet of A4 and some colour pens ( yes permission to excite your brain!) - jot down some thoughts and have a look at them, what do they tell you ...... what's your next step?