
What are you built for? 

 "A ship in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for" - John Shedd

Are you doing what you were built for? 

Are you fulfilled? 

Are you being true to who you really are and what's important to you?

The quote above, you may know it. It spoke to me first at a key time many years back, I was about to start a new role - it felt big and and I had excitement and anxieties all rolled into one.   Years on, the quote still speaks to me - what is it saying to you today?

Is it more about who you are being or maybe something about what you need to do? 

Be encouraged in your considerable achievements, think back on the times when you didn't stay safe...Congratulate yourself for stepping out on what you were built for!



Command or collaborate?

Have you thought recently about your preferred leadership style?  What's needed for your organisation/your team right now?

What's the context that works for you to maximum effect?

How would your team describe your leadership?

What's the biggest compliment your direct reports/peers could acknowledge you with?

What do you want to acknowledge yourself for?

Take time to think of your best qualities and strengths, use them to the greater good for you, your team and organisation.

So anything come to mind?  Remind you of anything to want to consciously choose to do or be?

Leaders work hard, leadership is rewarding and can be costly, encourage yourself and those around you.

Take time and see what happens.


Stretching out, up and down

What's on your horizon?  Are you making time to look out or are you absorbed in the day to day, meeting to meeting?

Do you have expansiveness in your life - what's your reaction to the question?

1. What would help you look out?

2. What would help you to move up, move on?

3. What would help you have depth? Go deeper....

Take a walk, give yourself thinking time and space  .....   Anything resonate - what's your execution plan?   

Take time to paint the picture in your mind, for what we visualise and have clarity on has a much greater chance of coming to fruition!  Enjoy - make it happen.



Who do you learn from?

Whatever your learning style who do you take notice of?  Who inspires you and what do they do?

Perhaps move your thinking and aspiration into a small practical action?

Make it work for you, enjoy the results!



Leadership - it's all about leadership?

Stop  ......  press pause just for a moment

Then ..... smile and take a deep breath

What's one of your favourite leadership pieces of advice ........ thought about it?

So what advice would you give yourself right now ?  Yes...in view of that advice that you might give to others,  what is the golden nugget for yourself  - in terms of your leadership. Relevant for you right now?

One of my thoughts - is really get to know yourself, deepan your self - awareness ... so how well can you describe your leadership style?  What can you do that's small and manageable to know more?  Dig deeper?

Try it out, expand your leadership range and observe the results!